Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A List

I cannot seem to articulate as well as I would like on how I feel at the moment , so I will just list these separate (but perhaps, not so random) thoughts. Draw from it what you can pull from the mess.

Things that I think are stupid, irritating or confusing at the present moment

- The newest Disney princess fairy tale has a black heroine named Tiana , whose name was apparently originally Maddie , which some idiot thought sounded too much like Mammy and changed it to "a less stereotypical" name. TIANA. Have you ever met a white girl named Tiana?

I know this one comes a little late but I had forgotten about it until I saw a commercial for the movie or something attached to it this morning.

- That the second Ex- Mrs.-Redneck sent me a friend request on Myspace today. Why on earth would she think that I would want to be her friend in any capacity? Has the internet age rid of us of all social decorum? I've blogged about this a long time ago in which I was complaining about the lack of discretion in choosing blog topics, allowing for all sorts of inappropriate things to be aired out in the open. This in particular bugs me because it seems as though people think that just because you know of someone, you should be their "friend" on whatever social networking site you happen to air your dirty laundry on. Never mind the fact that you hate the person. Or that you once out of spite tried to ruin this person's life by slandering them and attacking their mothering skills. Hear me good , you spiteful little hag of a girl. I haven't forgiven or forgotten. Be wary of your enemies , though quiet and still they seem.

For those readers that are completely lost, before I was Mrs. Lugnut , I was the original Mrs. Redneck , a time and a person in my life that deserves little to no mention so we'll move on..

- The Kindle. Ok , guys.. I'm sorry but I hate this idea. As cool as it may seem to some to carry around a tiny, virtual,endless book , it just doesn't jive with me. I like technology fine. I carry a smartphone, I blog , I Vaguebook and Tweet and have to remind myself not to say LOL out loud. I pay extra to see 3D movies and High Definition television but there is something about the smell of a book. The feel of it , the fun of perusing through a bookstore and smelling and feeling and learning..Call me old-fashioned but this is something that I hope that I'm not forced to give up on.

- "Drama" oh , how I hate this term. Drama is life dolls, without it, you would be very,very bored. People who claim to hate drama are the ones that feed off of it, stir it up, surround themselves with it and then blame it on their geographical placement. If you think moving out of Podunk will stop people from talking shit about you , you are mistaken. Stop doing stupid shit and you might lessen it , but it will never truly go away.

Ok , let's switch gears..

Things that are very small but mean very much to me right at this moment

- I have very funny children that make faces , point out irony , change words to songs to suit their moods (and keep them from cussing) try to trick eachother into using their brains and play with cardboard boxes, not because they don't have toys , but because the box can be ANYTHING. I also love seeing them enjoy the simple pleasures in life like feeling the wind on their faces and the mud between their toes and that cereal and cartoons are the best way to spend a Saturday morning. Seeing this , I know that I must've done at least something right , some where.

- I have a few friends in my life that still make me feel like I can be redeemed , no matter how shitty I may have been to them, and to myself.

- I was awakened this morning by a text that says " I think you are the most wonderful lady in the world" by a man who makes me smile more than anyone. ( I love that Big Lugnut.)

AND finally

- I am starting to like myself a little bit better , slowly but surely...

1 comment:

  1. You are a very likable person. You're a great mother, a good friend. You are also smart, funny, and a great writer so you should like yourself. After all, would us Harrelsons/Tuckers, waste our time on someone who is not worth liking. You are a special lady!
    Luv you, Lyn

    you are also smart and funny and a great writer
