Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is There a Cheat Code for this?

I would just like to ammend a previous statement that I made, declaring the Lug-Nut NOT a man-child. While he is in very many respects a responsible, functioning adult with aspirations and ambition and drive and all of that great stuff that men are made of, he has a vice.

PlayStation Network.

As a few of you man-children out there who took a moment away from whatever toy gets your mojo workin' to read this are aware, the network was recently hacked and temporarily shut down to repair the damage done and to prevent further issues related to credit card information stored on the site. It was a very peaceful few weeks for me. I have to admit, I have a love/hate relationship with electronics, video gaming systems being at the tippy-top of that list for a few reasons:


1. I heart Netflix. I absolutely adore everything about it. It's reasonable price, access to all of the guilty pleasure movies and t.v. shows, and accessibility from nearly every damn electronic appliance I own. Seriously, I watched a Dexter episode from the toaster the other day..I love it so much that I declared our satellite dish completely useless and it is now living a new life as an industrial-sized yard wok.


2. Having said that, I loathe everything about Call Of Duty. The game is disgusting and addictive and somehow invaded my home when I wasn't looking. I do not think that my ten-year old daughter should know what a "clay more" is , I'm not even a hundred percent certain that I spelled that right and I come from a military background, full of real soldiers that shot at real people and will tell you there isn't a goddamn thing cool about it.


3. The games that aren't disgusting and addictive are a wonderful distraction for my children so I can get something done. It's honestly the only thing they'll do together with zero complaints. Rock Band is a genius invention that can manage to occupy all five of my children at once ( and teach them cool music that if I had suggested that they check out, they would scoff..professional scoffers, they are..)

and finally,


It's one of the few things my husband likes more than Kevin Costner movies. ( The Lug-Nut's admiration for all things Costner is a blog for another time.) I mentioned this in the pros and cons list because his desire to play racing/shooting/zombie games puts quite the damper on our alone time. So, I sulk when he plays and make him feel bad ( which, I suppose I should be grateful that he notices that I am sulking and reacts with the appropriate response..) But I just don't get the appeal. So, while I am sulking and being all passive-agressivey he says "Why don't you go write a blog about how much I suck, that'll make you feel better." Touche, Lug-Nut..Well played.

I also take issue with the blue-tooth head-set thingy. I hate walking into a room and hear my husband shouting out obscenities and half-sentences that may or may not be accurately describing my mother and looking around at the source of his frustration, ony to find out it's the damned t.v.

I say all of this thinking that my husband has to be some sort of anomaly with stunted emotional growth for him to love this gaming concept so much, but it must surely be a world-wide epidemic, lest the games be marketed for children and not blood-thirsty,cynical,desensitized adults. Logically, I know that this is just the new millenium's version of the weekly poker game, the bowling league, or the Grand Poo-Bah lodge deali-o that Fred Flinstone fancied so much.

I suppose that men need toys and games to act out fake wars and validate themselves and massive-phallic-waiving burly wharthogs of death and destruction but I'll be glad when this feeling comes in pill-form.
So now a retort for the blog remark..

" Hey Lug-Nut, Zelda, Donkey-Kong and Pac-Man called and said that they retired from gaming a long time ago and since you're all the same age, you should too.However, Mario says that he's in his prime, but I think he's in denial."

Lug-Nut ; " Mario kicks ass, he's the Keith Richards of video game icons.He'll be free-basing toadstools till he's 80.." ( clickety-clickety-clickety )
That would be the annoying controller noise there..

Check and mate.

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